
Hey Sweetheart!

 You found the second envelope with a "website" I've created for you! This is going to just be a mix of stuff I have for you! I want to start off by saying something to you, and I want you to remember these things: 1. You are good enough, you are loved, and you are worthwhile. You matter. 2. Regardless of who you are in my life at any given moment, I will always cherish our time together and never forget the amazing person you are. I am lucky to have you in my life--in every way. 3. Never allow others to determine who you are, your worth, and your destiny. You are wonderful and perfect the way you are. You're truly special and sweet. I hope you never change that about you. 4. Believe in yourself like I believe in you. Please remember these things because each of them is and always will be true. The next thing I have is this: And this cool thing to waste 5 minutes: And let's see if you're really a
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